$477.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Soul Money Payment Plan

Are you ready to shift out of stuckness and explode into time and money manifestation mode? In Soul Money™ I walk you through how to create more time in your life for what really matters. Then we align your soul with your money so that you can create the career and life you actually want.

What People Are Saying:

Before meeting with Scotti, my finances were terrible. To be more specific, my money disappeared before I could do anything with it. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were lost in some unknown black hole. I couldn't figure out where any of it was going and traditional finance lessons seemed to have the opposite effect on me. At this point, I had over $100k in credit card debt. Then in comes Scotti with these powerful messages that made me think about money a whole different way. Today, 3 years later I have given myself a 40% raise, paid off all of my consumer debt, and manifested $180K in cash flow. I am finally in a place where I can create a dream life, build my dream home, and make a good living without working myself to death. Every interaction I have with Scotti raises my vibrational intensity!


I used to practice law sweating and terrified that I didn’t do a good enough job. After working with Scotti I feel like a new me. I have a new baseline sense of comfort and confidence. I’ve found the key to the core default stress setting that managed everything. Now I still have crazy weeks at work, but I can manage the fact that I have complexities in my life. I’ve got more confidence, “I’ve got this attitude.” I receive what I need back in a healthy way–a mind-blowing experience. I’m glad I learned this way of being at 42, not 82.
