A persistent feeling of overwhelm is a common symptom of growing up in a toxic home. It stems from being consistently put in situations that you were not emotionally, mentally or physically equipped to handle. All of that fear/confusion/helpless energy gets stuck in your nervous system. As an adult, that overwhelmed feeling keeps running your nervous system like a default operating mode. I know how frustrating it can be to be stuck in these unpleasant feelings and not be able to figure out a way out. You feel like life is taking and taking and taking.
I can help with that.
I’m Scotti Moser. I show professional women how to overcome the toxic effects of narcissistic parenting and regain peace, power and passion for life. In this guide, you’ll find 10 lifestyle management tips to rejuvenate, realign and reconnect to that authentic version of yourself that was lost so long ago.
Free Guide: Overwhelmed to On Fire
10 easy steps to creating a life that represents who you are.
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